Friday, November 21, 2008

Toastmasters Club Meeting - 20/11/2008

I was the Sergent-At-Arms (SAA).
1) To start the meeting on time, and to make sure that the meeting schedule is adhered to.
2) Have an "ice-breaking" questions, and allow the members & guests to intro themselves.
3) Help Toastmaster of the Evening (TME), write names on white board
4) Count votes for "Best Table Topic Speaker", "Best Speaker" and "Best Evaluator"

Initially I thought I prepared well... But this meeting, there were many big shots from Hong Kong. This kind of made me nervous... Haiz... I not zai enough... Alittle screwed up... Sorry...

Must really think of ways to improve... haha...
Once stands up there, the brain seemed to be not functioning. Blank!!! But when I was in kopi shop, i became another person... Could think to anything to talk about... Perhaps thats the fear of Public Speaking!

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