Not too detail, but at the same time having all those information that I will like to know...
It introduces Zhou Dynasty... As Zhou Dynasty is the longest in China History, it takes a whole book... haha... In Zhou Dyansty, there were alot of alot of 老人家... 孔子 (first chinese to have English name), 老子 (writer of 道德经), 孙子(author of 孙子兵法)... How they use their knowledge, intelligence and leadership of good use, in education, society and military... It also illustrates the technology, finanice, astrology techniques used at during those days...
After reading... I feel that it seems that when humans have power & money, things will go wrong... Human somehow will feel that if their authority or personal interests were offended, they will try to use anything they have (authority, con, cunning, force, poison) to achieve what they want.
Back to 21st Century.... what has changed? Peasants are still peasants... Finding their way to survive everyday... or even at times depends on other people's mercy to survive... Does it only happens to Asians? haha...
Below pictures are brief run-through of China Dynasties:
Another Comic I will like to recomend... haha...
U can find in National Library...
A total of 5 books. Illustrates end of Qin Dynasty and the rise of Han Dynasty.
How 项羽 and 刘邦 fight for the throne... I feel was very well drawn and most important the content is still correct and accurate... haha...
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