But this week was better, caused my pay had come to my account... Pay Day!!! wahaha...
Since a long time money have not been transferred into my account... haha...
This Saturday, played a tennis tournament match my Ronald... He won 2 sets... So sad...
My tennis skill is still not mature yet... Lotz of faults & out... Must reduce the self-induced mistakes... hehe..
Then after went to ToastMaster Club Division Compeition as audience... Didnt enjoy much... Maybe due to the warm morning at Tennis court, I was having headache & tired... haha...
Later in the late evening, went supper with Poh Soon Kim & Beng Chye. This was ah hoc organise by Ah Poh, as he would like to pass us his wedding dinnner invitation. We had a long chat... haha... Too bad that Er could not make it... Saturday night 10pm, he was still working... Poor Wei Yuan...
Swimming: 30laps.
Then treated the Swimming club lunch at 505. hehe.. Cause my first pay after Air Force...
Then went 光音庙 to pray... I think this was the first time I met difficulty on the way to pray... It was raining cats & dogs... Heck it, I still carried on my journey with my umbrella & cap. When I reached the temple, my bermundas were half-drenched... Sianz... Also couldnt do anything about it, so just carry on to do what I need to... haha...
Went Sim Lim Square after praying... Found out technologies fly... What I used to know were instantly expired... Have to pick-up again... haha... Initially thought go Suntec to find Selena. Learnt from her that there was bone marrow donation at Suntec, but planned fail due to raining... haha.. Maybe next time ba... hehe....
钟汉彬, 加油咯!
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